Production process of Serrano ham

Production process of Serrano ham

Production process of Serrano ham The production process of Serrano ham and its cured process depend on the raw material, that is, on the Iberian pig. The Iberian pig must have certificate quality because there are different regulations regarding the Iberian pig’s...
How to differentiate Iberian ham

How to differentiate Iberian ham

Guide and labels of Iberian ham. How to differentiate Iberian ham, ham is really a product that is identified with Spanish culture, and even vegetarians can give in to a small bite. Its use is very widespread and it is difficult to avoid it in our kitchen, since it...
Pata Negra

Pata Negra

Black ham     Pata Negra, «black ham». What should I purchase? Here we have some advice to you.. Black ham. There are different ways to refer to the leading product of ham such as pata negra or «black ham», jamón de bellota or “acorn ham”, jamón ibérico or...

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